21 Jul 2022
The Large Minority Amazon Jungle Adventure Challenge is about taking a step out of the mundane everyday and plunging into a life-changing adventure. It's trekking through jungle and rainforest under the watchful eyes of the local wildlife. It's kayaking along rivers and spending time immersed in a culture that has nothing to do with your own. Amazon Challenge is an opportunity to push yourself, to test your limits, and to reap the rewards of living life to the fullest.
Where Will I Travel To?
The starting point of your journey into the Amazon is Leticia, Colombia. This lies on the Amazon River uniting the borders of Colombia, Peru and Brazil. This area is called 'Tres Fronteras,’ and is ´The Golden Triangle´ of the Amazon and from here your route will take you to various locations where you will be immersed in the local culture and communities.
87 kilometres from Leticia is Puerto Nariño, home of the indigenous rainforest Ticuna tribe which lies on the shore of the Amazon River. You'll rest for the night in a hammock in Sacambu.This journey into Leticia and the rest of the Amazon is so far removed from civilization as we know it, taking you to hidden away corners of the world that are home to the vibrant cultures such as the Huitotos and Yucunas. Not to mention the hundreds of species of reptiles and mammals. The best part of all of this is that your accommodation at each location will be arranged by us and your entry fee goes toward helping out the local communities you will be visiting - it's all about being a responsible traveller.
Is it Difficult? What Kinds of Things Will I Do There?
It's not easy. When we tell you it's a challenge, we mean it. But we are sure it's nothing you can't handle. The activities you'll participate in during your Amazon Jungle Adventure are varied and unique to the Colombian Amazon. One day, you'll be bird watching, spotting pink dolphins, or fishing for piranhas. The next day, competing in the indigenous Olympics, doing archery, canoeing, swimming, and blow pipe competitions with your fellow adventurers. You'll go on night walks for some nocturnal cayman spotting, or whatever other animals like the cooler night temperatures. Being in the jungle is not always comfortable. It is hot, humid, and there are a few pesky things like mosquitoes. However, sitting at home on the couch being cushy and comfy is not the stuff from which amazing stories are made.
So, You Just Set Us Loose on a Jungle Adventure?
Not exactly. This isn't a tour group where we babysit you all day, but we don't just drop you in the middle of the jungle, either. The Large Minority co-founders will be out there with you and your fellow adventurers for 8 days and 7 nights. So, while it won't be especially dangerous, it will be a challenge. To travel to the Amazon is like no other experience. It's an adventure that will leave you forever changed.

Read our Non-Beach Vacations for Adventurers article if you're looking for an adventure that doesn't include any beaches.